Student Organizations

There are several types of student organizations as outlined in Policy 8010, Classification of Student Organizations.
- University Student Life Program (USLP): "directly governed by academic or administrative departments and for which the university is ultimately responsible."
- University Chartered Student Organization (UCSO): "has significant campus impact through providing resources and/or services that are best delivered by students in conjunction with their sponsoring campus department.
- Registered Student Organization (RSO): "a voluntary association of Virginia Tech students that has no direct relationship to the university but upon completion of registration documents is entitled to certain privileges to include operating, meeting, advertising, and participating in activites on the Virginia Tech campus."
- Extended Campus Student Organization (ECSO): "a voluntary association of Virginia Tech students at an extended campus location...that has no direct relationship to the university but upon completion of registration entitled, pursuant to the policies established at its extended campus center, to certain privileges..."
Only USLPs, for which the university is ultimately responsible, are covered by the university's insurance. UCSOs, RSOs, and ECSOs may be required to purchase insurance, either by Virginia Tech or by another party. Some organizations may participate in a national organization that provides insurance, such as Greek organizations or certain associations.
The most common reason a UCSO, RSO, or ECSO may be required to have insurance is for an event, either at Virginia Tech or at another location. For guidance on event risk management & insurance requirements at Virginia Tech, please reference our Event Risk Management website.